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Chapter Seven -The Hinge Chapter of Revelation

Revelation’s diamond for chapter seven: “And I will lead you to the fountains of living waters, and God will wipe away every tear from your eyes” (Rev. 7:17)

Who are those whom the sunrise angel “seals” for the living God? 144,000 people, and that’s it?

The first person sealed for God was a murderer –Cain! “”And the Lord put a mark on Cain, so that no one who came upon him would kill him” (Genesis 4:15).

God’ seal protects us from evil, satanic people and all forms of harm. The angel seals 12,000 persons from the 12 tribes of Israel. That means everyone in every tribe! Biblical numbers can’t be measured on an adding machine, a calculator or even an abacus. They measure out in the heart. Twelve (and seven) in the Bible signify wholeness and completion.

“How many times,” asked Peter, “should I forgive my brother when he offends me - seven times?” “Not seven times,” answered Jesus,” but seventy times seven times!” (Matthew 18:21-22). In other words, “Every time!”

Jesus tells JP. “Remember what St. Paul wrote to the Romans: ‘All Israel will be saved’? (Romans 11:26). That includes your brother Jews, John, who tossed you out of the Synagogue. Don’t hold that against them. They are still God’s chosen people.

“My Father’s seal protects them. And It extends to a great multitude whom ‘no one could number from every tribe and people and tongue (Rev.7:19)’. In other words, every person whom God creates bears his seal. It’s a seal of love, compassion and forgiveness.

All creation has been ‘washed in the blood of the Lamb’ (Rev. 7:14). I died on the Cross for the whole world.

“No matter how many horsemen roar into your life, you are mine. If dragons, beasts and monsters tear you down at every turn, , leave them to me. My Father even now is spreading his tabernacle over you . Gradually “you will hunger no more, nor thirst any more. The sun will not strike you , nor any scorching heat . . . and I will lead you to the fountains of living water. And my Father will wipe away every tear from your eyes’ (Rev. 7: 16-17).”


Last year, my wife died as we were praying the Lord’s prayer with her --Susan, Sasha (her little dog) Janette and I. As we were praying “for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory,” Kenne (my wife) was staring at Sasha. She blinked her eyes at each of those last three words. At “glory,” her eyes stayed open, and I said, “She’s gone.” She crossed the Jordan in the blink of an eye, and the little dog, Sasha, led her across.

Janette then read from her phone, “And I will lead you to the springs of living waters, and God will wipe away every tear from your eyes” (Rev. 7:17).” The whole book of Revelation swings on this chapter.

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